International Master's programme in Quantum Science and Technology - The QUARMEN master

Deadline: March 15, 2025




  • Canada
  • France
  • Italy
  • Portugal
Paris, Rome, Porto, Toronto


The QUARMEN master (QUAntum Research Master Education Network) is a two-year international master’s programme in physics, specialized in Quantum Science and Technology. It aims at preparing a new generation of experts for the second Quantum revolution with a training in key concepts and technologies for quantum devices and information. After graduating, QUARMEN attendees will be ready to develop innovative ideas and will have the opportunity of being directly involved in the activity of industrial and academic laboratories.


Why study in the Quarmen master?

The QUARMEN master is proposed by a consortium of 4 universities. This collaboration broadens the panel of expertise, the teaching workforce, and the access to technological platforms. 

  • Training on concepts and technology for quantum devices and information 
  • International mobility among up to four different countries and research institutions 
  • Possibility of preparing a Master Thesis in top level research centers 
  • Offering and encouraging internships in quantum technology companies and start-ups 
  • Promoting and training in entrepreneurial and project management skills

General description

A two-year master in Quantum Science and Technology

  • The QUARMEN master (QUAntum Research Master Education Network) is specialized in Quantum Science and Technology. This programme aims at training students in key concepts and technologies for quantum devices and information. 
  • Quantum science and technology in one of the fastest progressing fields of knowledge, and structuring research and development in this field is one of Europe’s priorities. In this context, QUARMEN attendees will be ready to develop innovative ideas and will have the opportunity of being directly involved in the activity of industrial and academic laboratories.
  • Students will attend short training programmes : a summer school on cutting edge topics of Quantum Science and Technology and a winter school on entrepreneurship.
  • The strong partnership with SMEs and research & innovation centres in Europe and North America allows the students to strengthen their professional skills and build their international network.
  • The medium of instruction is English.
  • The QUARMEN project was created in the frame of the European university alliance for Global Health - EUGLOH, also coordinated by Paris-Saclay University.

Mobility and degrees

The master includes a compulsory mobility. Students must study in at least 2 countries (different from their country of residence). They may create their own master’s programme by choosing among different options!

You will have to indicate in the application form your preferred mobility for the semester 2 and semester 3.
Please note that the number of places available at the University of Toronto for the semester 3 is limited (5 places available every year).

The final mobility choice for the semester 3 will be discussed during the first or second semester with the program’s coordinators in accordance with your academic results and career objectives.

At the end of the two years, QUARMEN students will get a double or multiple diploma (Master’s in Physics) from the universities they studied at. For example, a student who studied the first semester at Sapienza University of Rome, the second semester at Paris-Saclay University and the third semester at the University of Toronto, will get the three master’s degrees from those universities.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Admission criteria

  • Applicants should have or should be in process to get a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS or equivalent) in Physics or related topics (Engineering, Computer Science, etc.).For related topics, students must have sufficient credits in physics subjects (experimental physics, theoretical physics or mathematical physics, condensed matter, quantum mechanics).
  • Please download here prerequisites for the first semester at Sapienza University. 
  • Admission at the University of Toronto is decided during the first semester in accordance with the results obtained during the semester 1 and career objectives.English skills (TOEFL, IELTS or other proof).


Deadline: March 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Erasmus+ : Erasmus Mundus

(about 20 scholarships per year)

  • Students have to study in at least two countries, different from their country of residence.
  • The scholarship covers travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs. It is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost (pro-rata of the actual number of days).
  • The first scholarship payment is made at the end of the first month of studies (September)
  • 1400€/month x 24 months + fee waiving
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