March 31, 2025
Italy Portugal Spain Turkey
MEDfOR is a two-year world-class Erasmus Mundus Master Course Programme focuses on the integrating theme of sustainability in Mediterranean forests and woodlands, which cover over 9 % of the Mediterranean region’s land area, to address topics that are specific to the Mediterranean forestry and that require special attention such as: forest as a unique world heritage, forest management and conservation and forestry role in the welfare of the Mediterranean communities.
- Mediterranean forests are a unique world natural heritage in terms of biological diversity, hosting around 25.000 species of vascular plants, (50% are endemic species) and a high degree of tree richness and endemism (290 indigenous tree species with 201 endemics) with an extraordinary genetic diversity;
- Forest conservation and management affects the soil and water resources, both being key strategic resources for Mediterranean societies. Currently, 60% of the water-poor-countries of the world are in the Mediterranean region and it is expected that by 2050, 290 million people will face water shortages;
- The forestry role in the welfare of urban and rural Mediterranean communities, is of extreme importance. Mediterranean forests provide highly appreciated marketed goods such as timber, firewood, cork, pine kernels, mushrooms, medicinal plants, as well as a high value on non-market services such as landscape quality, fodder, soil protection, water regulation, recreation possibilities, biodiversity and micro-climate amelioration.
MEDfOR Programme answers a call for a coordinated approach throughout the Mediterranean basin to develop reliable information and tools - based on sound science and a multidisciplinary approach -, in order to improve Mediterranean forestry and natural resources management and policy-making.
The ultimate objectiveis to bring together the best expertise, human resources and facilities to educate the next generation of leaders in forestry and natural resources, and public and private land management throughout the Mediterranean region and to contribute to the solution of forestry, natural resources and environmental challenges throughout the region and the world.
MEDfOR is the only program in Europe or elsewhere that simultaneously addresses the economic, ecological and social challenges of sustainable Mediterranean forestry and natural resources management.
MEDfOR is offered by a Consortium of top ranked Universities supported by a consultation panel with several associated partners and stakeholders that come from leading international research and outreach organizations in all scientific areas of interest to Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management
MEDfOR relies on a Consortium that includes globally top ranked universities and leading international research and outreach organizations in all scientific areas of interest to Mediterranean forestry and natural resources management as well as key stakeholders in the Mediterranean forest sector.
- University of Lisbon, Portugal
- University of Padova, Italy
- University of Lleida, Spain
- University of Valladolid, Spain
- Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
- University of Tuscia, Italy
- Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal
Course structure
The MEDfOR programme offers a MSc degree that is fully recognised in all the participating countries. It requires the completion of studies encompassing 120 credits (ECTS) over a period of two years in the MEDfOR Consortium universities. This corresponds to 3 semesters of coursework plus a Winter School and 1 semester to prepare the Master dissertation. The student will obtain a Double, Multiple or Joint Degree. The official language of MEDfOR is English.
The Medfor Master design complies with the Bologna qualification standards (2nd Cycle). Students are required to spend at least one semester to complete 30 credits (ECTS) in two or three institutions in two or three different countries. The first semester is spent in the University of Lleida, Padova or Lisbon where the students acquire knowledge in the full range of disciplines essential to the use and management of Mediterranean forests. In the second year the students acquire cutting edge knowledge in a specialization provided by one of the consortium universities.
This design as well as its mandatory mobility component (Figure below) will be influential to set standards for an effective education-to-research-and-innovation strategy and to overcome current fragmentation of Forestry Higher Education in the Mediterranean region.
Opportunity is About
Candidates should be from:
Description of Ideal Candidate
The MEDfOR Consortium has developed a common set of admission criteria as well as joint application procedures. The MEDfOR Commission carries out the selection of students, where all partner universities are represented.
- A good first university degree, on the field of economics or sciences
- High proficiency in English
- Strong personal statement of motivation
- Good recommendations from two references, of which at least one is academic
- CV
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Cost/funding for participants
Erasmus Mundus Partner country Scholarships:
These scholarships can be awarded to masters students from all countries other than the 28 EU member states and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
However, you must comply with the 12 months rule: You must not have been a resident nor have carried out main activity (studies, work etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the above mentioned states.
The scholarship amounts to a total of € 49,000
- A maximum of 3.000 € per year for travels costs and 1. 000 € for accommodation;
- 9.000 € per year for contribution to participation costs (paid directly to the university in which you are enrolled) ; matriculation at two host universities, EMJMC administrative costs, access to all facilities and insurance;
- A maximum of 24.000€, monthly allowances of 1000 € each.
Programme country Scholarships
- These scholarships can be awarded to any student from one of the 28 EU member states and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
The scholarship amounts to a total of € 35,000
- 1.000 € per year for travel costs, installation and other type of costs
- 4.500 € per year as a contribution to participation costs costs (paid directly to the university in which you are enrolled); registration at two or three host universities, EMMC administrative costs, access to all facilities, insurance
- 24.000€ - monthly allowances
For both Programme and Partner country categories please note:
- You must spend your study period in at least two of the consortium partner countries.
- If you hold an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, these two countries must be different from the country in which you obtained your last university degree.
- The mandatory mobility periods cannot be replaced by virtual mobility.
- You may fulfil a 30 ECTS period in another institution, such as an associated partner
- You are not entitled to receive the scholarship, when spending part of the EMJMD course in your country of residence.
Internships, scholarships, student conferences and competitions.