Scholarships in France
At École Polytechnique, we admit the most talented undergraduate students from all over the world using a need-blind admissions process. We strive to attract and reward the very best students, regardless of their financial situation.
Student ste na osnovnim studijama, masteru ili na doktoratu i želeli biste da ostvarite svoj profesionalni san? Studirajte u Francuskoj, odaberite studijski program nivoa master 2 ili doktorata, na francuskom ili engleskom jeziku, na univerzitetu po vašem izboru: u Strazburu, Bordou, Grenoblu ili Parizu, ili bilo kom drugom univerzitetskom gradu u Francuskoj i ostvarite svoju ambiciju zahvaljujući stipendiji koju dodeljuju Ambasada Francuske i Francuski institut u Srbiji.
Konkurišite za stipendiju Vlade Republike Francuske!
Ambasada Francuske u Srbiji i Francuski institut u Srbiji, raspisali su novi konkurs za dodelu stipendija za 2025-2026
IFA Paris awards three types of scholarships for its undergraduate and postgraduate programs to support outstanding candidates according to their profile and financial situation.
The scholarship is designed for Indian students from all fields and streams of study, enrolled in an Indian institution at the Bachelors or Master’s degree level, who wish to undertake a study exchange semester programme in France (for a period of one to six months).
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs.
The Lebesgue Center provides support to Masters in mathematics at the University of Rennes 1, the University of Nantes, the ÉNS Rennes, the University of South of Britania, the University of Ouest of Bretania, and the University of Angers, through scholarships and special lectures.
Sciences Po created the Emile-Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union.
Are you a woman looking for scholarships to study abroad? We can help! This scholarship will be awarded for female students on all higher study level and is worth up to $5,000.
CYBER is an innovative programme that looks into behavioural and computer sciences to offer a transdisciplinary approach to study and intervene on human behaviour by means of digital processes, products and services (PPS).
The Master’s program “Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures” is a multiple-degree diploma offered through joint training activities by the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering of TU Dortmund University (Germany), the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento (Italy) and the Department of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering of the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France).
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, as the first university in Poland ever, coordinates the EU Erasmus Joint Master Degree program (EMJM). The “Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering” (SBBE) program is coordinated by Prof.
Apply for our €5000 master degree scholarship and let us help make your study abroad dreams a reality.
Erasmus+ Master Degree Loans are EU-guaranteed loans with favourable pay-back terms that can help you finance a Master course in an Erasmus+ Programme country.
The SERP+ master aims at training students in the most performing experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry, and to become the topmost researchers and managers in areas of great relevance.
The SERP+ master aims at training students in the most performing experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry, and to become the topmost researchers and managers in areas of great relevance.
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