Success Stories

University of Tartu
Hi everyone! I am Salijona, coming from Albania to study CS in Estonia. I have some great news to share with you today. Two months ago I learned on about Schneider Electric's Go Green in the City competition. Together with Diyar, who is coming from Kazakhstan to study SE and Entrepreneurship in beautiful Tallinn, we decided to form a team and work on our innovative solution. A few days ago, we found out that we were selected as the finalist for Northern Europe. We are going to develop the idea further and present it on Europe's finals, in Paris between 2-4 April. We are beyond excited about our trip to Paris and everything that is ahead of us. We would not have thought about applying if we were not informed and encouraged by Thank you very much for that! To everyone else, I wanted to encourage you to participate in those great student competitions available on HeySuccess. They provide you immediate access to concrete professional experiences, a very strong brand on your resume as well as a great chance to demonstrate your creativity and get noticed by big companies. Best of luck to everyone (and to us in Paris as well).
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Higher School of Economics
I am writing you from Moscow (Russia) thanks to the Master’s scholarship opportunity that I found on HeySuccess. As a HeySuccess Premium user, this wasn’t the first opportunity I got from this great platform. Firstly, I did an international internship through HeySuccess and now I received a scholarship to do my Master’s in Russia. It's my first long-term visit to Moscow and I am enjoying the experience so much. Life in Moscow is great and full of activities. I can say that my life here is more dynamic than it was before in my country. My studies here is very challenging but I like new challenges. I like that my Master’s studies in Russia offer lots of interactions with my professors and fellow students who come from all over the world. I am so grateful for this experience and opportunity. I can see that studying Master's degree abroad will greatly improve my adaptability skill. I can see myself adapting much more easily to both the new lifestyle as well as to people from very different cultures. In general, I can see this experience as being very beneficial to my overall personal growth. I definitely recommend for everyone to study abroad even if for a short period as it will greatly help you to discover yourself and explore the world out of your normal routine comfort zone. Fortunately, HeySuccess is your way to go as well. Do not hesitate to take advantage of all those thousands opportunities that you can find only on this amazing platform. Enjoy your studies abroad!
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UniCredit Bank
I am Ajla from Bosnia and Herzegovina currently studying Bachelor of Economics in Turkey. This year I got an opportunity from HeySuccess to do my first internship at the UniCredit Bank in Prague, Czech Republic. I was granted this three-month internship by the UniCredit foundation which I found on the HeySuccess using a premium account. The HeySuccess premium account was the best investment for my future last year. I feel so grateful for this opportunity and it has been such a great journey. Thank you HeySuccess! For all young people out there: Never give up and everything is possible no matter where you are. Just be open to the opportunities, work hard and keep on believing.
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I am a HeySuccess Premium user who has just had an unforgettable trip and life-changing experience in Dubai, UAE. I was so excited yet humbled to have been selected for the Dubai Future Accelerators (DFA) Program under the Harvard Crossroads Emerging Leaders Program (CELP). The Crossroads Emerging Leaders Program is a unique, fully funded career development opportunity for first-generation, underprivileged college students from Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. The program was a mini-accelerator program which allowed us to put on the head of entrepreneurs. We had a change to learn from pioneers entrepreneurs that work in various sectors: from designing the airport of the future, education of the future, health care of the future, use of artificial intelligence and facial recognition to improve security globally. I was totally mesmerized by this experience, inspired by all people I met and of course all great achievments that city of Dubai has to show to the world. Thank you very much HeySuccess for this life-changing experience!
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My name is Olga Bodrug and I'm a Premium user on Heysuccess. On the platform, I found an announcement on the organization of a conference by Harvard University (HPAIR). I have applied and following a complex and competitive process, I have been accepted. I would like to thank HeySuccess for all those thousands of opportunities and resources it provides to young people motivated to explore the world and get invaluable international experiences
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