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Internship Challenge Journey - The Beginning

Hello guys, it’s me again, Matea! I am a HeySuccess intern and the HR assistant for the Season V of our HeySuccess Internship challenge.  I am happy to announce that our first two weeks of the internship are over and that we are moving forward with even bigger motivation! In this blog I decided to write about our internship, our interns and our experiences so far. Let’s start, shall we!


Season V of the Internship Challenge

About two weeks ago our fifth season of Internship Challenge started. Now, as all of you know we have been saying that this season is different from all the others! Now, let me explain how!

In this season we wanted to focus on our individual interns. On their ambitions, ideas and wishes! What does this mean? I will explain. So this season every one of our amazing interns has the opportunity to make his project with our help and guidance. This season interns can do anything from a small event to their own start up and we are here to help them achieve their ultimate goal, which is succeeding. For this we have chosen a small number of interns, seven to be precise. Our HR team ( Abyan, Andrea and I ) are providing interns with various types of tasks that help them develop marketing, organizational, management and many other skills needed for their project. We are doing webinars, workshops, reports and a lot, a lot of Skype’s. Our goal is that at the end of this season every intern realizes their project and develops many useful working skills.


Overview of the last two weeks

As I said in the beginning we already went through the first two weeks of our internship challenge. What were we up to? You will find out.

In the beginning Abyan and I had to arrange a Skype meeting with each intern in order to meet them and to start working with the weekly tasks. For those of you who don’t know yet, every participant, including our HR team, is located in a different time zone. Now, that being said you can imagine that we had some time zones confusion. I unfortunately missed a meeting 3 times because of the difference in the time zone. I am blond I know, but it happens. Once I started calculating the time, there were no problems, and now things run smoothly.

But what happened to our interns? That’s a good question. They started their internship with a kick off webinar that Andrea (HR) and Milenko (CEO & Founder) held explaining more about Hey Success and their expectations for this season. That was exciting! The first webinar of the season!  A few days later Abyan and I had a webinar where we talked about Project Management and finding funding. We also shared our prior experience of creating, managing and organizing events. The interns were introduced to new marketing tools which they will work with during this season. I believe this is it for those two weeks. It sounds easy but I can assure you it was a lot of work and I have to say we weren’t disappointed. We are very happy with the results. We have had a great opportunity to learn new things, deal with some real life situations like confusing time zones and most of all got to meet amazing people from all over the world! I am so excited for what is yet to come!

Time zones



Now, let’s talk about people who are actually doing the work. Like I said we are working closely with only seven interns. Why did we pick specifically them? That’s easy. Even though they are all very different, different languages, culture, time, country... they have a lot in common. All of them are very positive, ambitious, eager to learn, open and always smiling (my kind of people!). From their applications we saw that they all want to change the world and are actively doing it. I have to say that it is so easy to work with them because by working on their ideas we see how passionate they are. I am sooooo happy that I have the pleasure to work with them and I hope we can live up to their expectations.

Keep tuned, more info about our Internship Challenge will be coming soon!

Let me introduce our amazing interns:


Lovely and charming Georgia from Greece!


Our rising sales star Omeir from United Arab Emirates!


Charming Paula from Philippines!


Always positive Arbi from Tunisia!


Our hardworking Shaheera from Pakistan!


Our Event Organization star in the making Robier from  Egypt!


And last but not in any way least Stephanie from Indonesia!

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