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The 10 Cheapest Countries to Study Abroad

Are you dreaming of studying abroad, but you are not so sure if you can afford it? You are not alone! Living and studying in foreign surroundings can give you unbelievable experiences, like meeting new people, trying strange exciting foods, hearing a different perspective on life, but how do you afford all of that?

Well, one solution could be studying in a country where life is cheaper. Let’s look at the top 10 cheapest countries for studying abroad:



The first thing that I would do is to taste some of the dishes like tacos or enchiladas that have become popular all over the world. The good news is that I would probably spend on average 4.27 EUR for a meal at an inexpensive restaurant. In addition to the tasty food, Mexico is a country that has a very rich culture. There are so many things to explore from music, food, and vibrant large cities, to one of many UNESCO World Heritage sites like Chichen Itza or the historic center of Mexico City. It also has 45 universities that are ranked among the top 300 universities in Latin America, making their educational system one of the best in the region.

 Plaza de la Constitucion



The country where you literally get to meet a lot of people, as it is the second most populous country in the world. Just taking into account their sheer number, it is evident that you can expect a lot of diversity in culture, food, and terrain.  Their educational system is also quite developed and the number of foreign students going to the country is steadily increasing. This is no surprise as, in addition to all the country has to offer, the cost of living is quite low. For example, you can find a one-bedroom apartment in the city center for an average of 162 EUR per month. Now, that’s a bargain!



Imagine taking a break from studying and going on a hiking trip through jungles to one of many dormant and active volcanoes that Guatemala has. If that is not your thing then maybe exploring Mayan ruins, temples, and learning more about history will be more to your speed. The good news is that the rent for a one-bedroom apartment outside of the city center averages around 250 EUR.



The land of Andes, part of the Amazon forest and Machu Picchu, definitely invites imagination and gives you the chance to learn more about ancient cultures like the Incas. You will be happy to hear that if you would like to study and live in Peru for a while you will need approximately 326 EUR for a one-bedroom apartment outside of the city center. Keeping in mind all the things you get to discover for these prices it is definitely worth investigating more.



There are two sides to Vietnam; the sleepy beach and rural areas, with scenery that takes your breath away and makes you truly unwind, and the vibrant city life. There are motor-bikes, small shops, cafes, and tall, slim, quirky buildings everywhere. The cities are filled with art shops where you get to explore the works of local artists. The food is amazing, although you should ask what your Vietnamese friends are cooking for you, as snails, frogs and other unusual food does tend to wind up in meals. You can buy a meal for an average price of 1.66 EUR and have a glass of beer for a whopping 0.75 cents on average.


Dominican Republic!

Studying in the Caribbean really would be like a dream coming true! Although I always had the impression that this dream would be too expensive, it seems to be more manageable as at least the cost of living is not that high.  A one-bedroom apartment for rent outside of the city center has an average cost of 196.5 EUR and a meal at an inexpensive restaurant could cost you around 6 EUR. So, the dream is not so unattainable after all.



This is a country that, by just hearing its name, gives images of bustling streets, small markets, beautiful vibrant colors, and an array of smells. Such a vivid picture is given for a country in the dessert. It is a truly unique place that can offer many experiences from seeing sand dunes to camel trekking. Thankfully, the cost of living is not too high and you can relax on a terrace and eat an inexpensive meal for an average of 2.81 EUR and drink a cup of cappuccino for 1.27 EUR.



Now we travel to the East of Africa, the land of lions, giraffes, zebras and wildlife you cannot experience on other continents. But, do not worry. There are no lions in the streets, at least not in the large cities! Kenya offers a diverse and international surrounding, where English is one of the official languages, making finding programs to study as an international student a bit easier. Living in Kenya, you can enjoy the comfort of large media, music, and culture centers like Nairobi or go a bit more basic by travelling to the rural areas. So, there is no excuse not to go to Kenya to study while enjoying, on average, 4.57 EUR meals and a 1.83 EUR beer.



What can I say about Brazil? Music, beaches, city, nature and a country with one of the best educational systems in the region are just some of the reasons why you should go to Brazil and experience it firsthand. When it comes to prices you can expect your meal to cost on average 6.07 EUR and your one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the city on average for all of Brazil to be 277 EUR.



A popular tourist destination for many, Thailand is a prime location to get value for your money. Temples, kind climate, international surroundings, and rich culture are just some reasons to make you wish Thailand was your destination. The food is amazing; from coconut curries to fried rice in all shapes and colors and with an average price of 1.62 EUR for an inexpensive restaurant meal you can expect to try a lot.


All of these countries are very diverse and have many things to offer, although they might not be considered classical choices for studying abroad. If you are searching for being exposed to different perspectives, learning about different cultures and becoming more adaptable, these countries might give you some inspiration for where to look for your big study abroad adventure that is still affordable. You can also take a look at to find some more opportunities to study abroad.

  1. All the prices were given according to Numbeo 
  3. - Mexico Guide
  4. - India Guide 

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