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5 things every graduate should know before starting job hunting

Each year, the job market gets flooded with freshly conferred graduates. But it is not always good news for many when dust finally settles on the celebratory mood.  The reality of a competitive employment market is a usually a bitter pill to swallow when it finally dawns that everything is not rosy out there after all. This is especially because many do not have the required experience or just a little of it to suffice job market demands, thus bear the brunt of joblessness.  It gets brutal when you line up for a job interview alongside those who have used CV writing tips from professional helpers.

With these and several other concerns, streams of questions come to mind. For Example; how does one make it to a level where he or she can boast of plenty of work experience?  What should one do differently from those who have had several failed attempts?  Does getting hired depend on having tips on writing an outstanding resume or a cover letter?  Well, if you cannot submit a well written job application, it isn’t something to stress about anymore. Ezassignmenthelp, which apart from providing a step by step guideline on how to go about it, can also do everything from scratch for those who do not have the time due to busy schedules.

Facing up to the starting point of Job hunting

With the whole world before you, succeeding in it depends on certain choices and huge decisions. For instance, one has to decide whether he or she wants to go into self-employment or apply to a job, get short listed then attend an interview with the hope of getting hired.  All these options come with challenges.  You should be alive to the fact that employment is not about luck but rather what one can do.  This means you have to show in a very outstanding way, that you are the best fit.  On the other hand, if one opts for independence and autonomy, in which case working from home is an ideal bet or starting up a business, there is always a long list of success tips but major is important when getting down to the specific thing one wants to do.

In this post, I explore both basic and advanced issues, which every graduate should have at the back of his or her mind before jumping into the job hunting ship.


There is no shortage of jobs

Quite a lot has been peddled around when it comes to this and sadly, a big number of those joining the list of job hunters have bought the lie.  The truth is, those looking for work placements most of the times go through adverts on the dailies while there are many places to check out as well.  But you’ve got to accept the reality.  You don’t just need an outstanding and eye-catching CV. You’ve got to figure other ways such as dressing for the occasion and cultivating confidence alongside speaking skills to beat the competition.


Getting educated more for better job and pay is a misconception

Most undergraduates can’t wait to register for Master’s degree programs in the belief that is the best way to stand a better chance of getting employed.  The truth of the matter however is; one has got to pursue a course that sells. It is important to factor in tips for a more vibrant resume but accumulating academic qualifies at the expense of things like experience won’t provide quick manna.


Pick new and growing sectors for career development

Agreeably, technology has revolutionised the way people go about their work and it is a fact that it has its downsides such as weeding people out of the jobs they studied for. So, does this mean you should down you academic tools and do something else? Well, seeking a job in sectors that are just starting is a sure way to live up to the fullness of employment years before technology can start turning things upside down.


Experience is experience

You don’t have to intern at a blue chip company to call it experience. Even those college societies you were part of, and through which outreach programs were realized, make amends here. It’s all about the challenges you’ve had to face doing something for the good of people. In other words, you can go for as many internship programs as you want and the most meaningful programs to that effect.


Patience pays

As a starter in the professional world, you will rarely hit the ground running on the first day. There are a few hurdles here and there. It’s therefore a reality you have to get used to.


In summary, getting employed immediately after college is not always as rosy as some make it look neither does this mean you will never get an opportunity to work for a company of your dream. You just need the right dosage of information to make it happen.


Written by Catrin Cooper

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