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How To Start Preparing Your Scholarship Application From Today?

As you can see here, just from foreign governments, there are LOTS of scholarships available for students like you to go abroad and study in their countries. $200,000,000 to be more precise, available every year for students just like you to come and study in over 65 countries around the world.It is up to you to choose a scholarship that matches your interest and eligibility criteria.

In this blog story, we want to share some important remarks that will ensure you never miss any of the scholarships we listed, and save a lot of time and energy when you start working on an application.

Make sure you use innovative HeySuccess notifications so you will never miss a scholarship deadline again. For example, if you are dreaming about studying in Japan and New Zealand, you can save search criteria for “scholarships in Japan” and “scholarships in New Zealand.” We will inform you whenever any scholarship in Japan or New Zealand has been posted on You can find detailed instructions here, including how to never miss another deadline.

Eligibility criteria and required documents vary for each scholarship. However, in most cases, there is one set of documents you will always be required to submit. Since application periods are usually short (3-8 weeks), I advise you to start preparing the following documents as soon as possible. Believe me, it will save you a lot of time and stress later on during the application process.


• Certificates for your previous education. For example, if you are applying for an undergraduate scholarship, you will need a high school diploma. Also, you will have to submit those documents officially translated in English, so make sure you have them on time.


• Letters of recommendation (work and academic). Do not prepare recommendation letters in advance, because the content will depend on the scholarship. However, you should think about who you can request them from. Ideally, it will be someone who knows you well (e.g., professor, internship supervisor, mentor) and, if possible, someone who is familiar to the government providing the scholarship. Recommendation letters for government scholarship applications should focus on both your abilities and the benefits of the scholarship to you and your community. Start thinking about your referrers and letter content now and make sure you write all the content ideas down as an initial brainstorming.


• Language certificate (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS). This might seem self-explanatory, but it causes so many students to miss scholarship application deadlines. Those certificates can be quite time consuming due to preparation time, infrequent test dates, and 4-8 week evaluation periods. I suggest you get TOEFL or IELTS certificates as soon as possible. You can find plenty of resources for preparation and scheduling exam dates online. The same goes for other language certifications if you are applying for a scholarship from non-native English speaking countries. Keep in mind that scholarship programs from non-English speaking countries usually cover language training programs prior to your studies, but some knowledge of a language is a huge advantage and will certainly increase your chances.


• Motivation letter or essay.  For almost every scholarships application, you will have to demonstrate your motivation for applying for that particular scholarship. Usually your answer should be related to that government scholarship program’s goals, and the value that the scholarship and education has for your community. Further, you will have to connect those broader motivations with your personal goals, interests, and ambitions. I advise you to start thinking about this and write down your ideas. Later, when the application process opens, you will have saved some time and you will have some thoughts together for writing a killer scholarship motivation essay. You can use the HeySuccess step by step guide on writing an exceptional cover letter. Download it from here.


• Curriculum Vitae (resume). This is very important as well, and there are two elements. First, you need to think about the visual and content presentation of your resume (You can download a full guide for how to do that). Second, you should also work on increasing the value of your resume. You don’t want to be in the position of sending a scholarship application and having a reviewer wonder about why they should invest in you. You want them to see strong experience and skills and be confident that they are making the right choice to award you the scholarship. We can help you here by giving you access to dozens of thousands of career building opportunities, such as internships, volunteering positions, workshops, summer schools, projects, and competitions, in addition to scholarships. Seize the world of unlimited opportunities!


Enjoy your studies abroad because they are the most amazing, enriching, and life-changing experiences you can have in your 20s! And, do not forget to share your great news with us soon!

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