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Money Matters: A Financial Survival Guide For Working Students

Going to college can be one of the most rewarding yet financially-challenging times of a person’s life. According to a recent survey, the average college budget for an in-state public college in America is $24,610, while you’ll need at least $49,320 to attend a private college. The budget covers tuition, housing, and meals, but students also need to cover the costs of their learning materials, transportation, and personal expenses. This is why so many college students are taking jobs to make ends meet. A poll revealed that nearly 4 out of 5 college students are working on a part-time basis while studying for degrees. As the cost of education continues to soar, working students need to find other ways to financially survive while prioritizing their studies. By learning where to find aid and knowing a few simple hacks, you can certainly study in comfort and avoid financial difficulty while you’re in college. Here are a few ways to do it.



Get financial assistance

Some working students are able to cover their tuition fees, but certain circumstances may cause them to have no means to pay for board and lodging. In times of financial crisis, students may seek temporary monetary assistance. You will have to provide documentation to support your application, such as a statement from your school and a current award letter.



Apply for a scholarship

Applying for a scholarship is one of the best ways to save money while getting an education as getting one can help with college costs such as supplies, books, and living expenses. Joining Heysuccess’ Premium Club allows you to access over 2,000 scholarship opportunities in over 190 countries, so you can take your pick and send in your application to any scholarship in your chosen country. You can also look at the HeySuccess Foreign Government Scholarships program here, for opportunities abroad.



Apply for a grant

Getting a grant is one of the best financial aids that a working student can get as it doesn’t need to be repaid. Research and apply for any grants that you may be eligible for and take note of the application deadlines. Among the most popular grants that you can apply for that’s being awarded by the U.S. Department of Education include the Federal Pell Grants and the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants.



Go abroad and study in a country where the costs are much lower

The cost of going to a public university in the US is estimated to be at $9,410 a year, but if you’re looking for other inexpensive options, why not try going abroad and studying in a country where the costs are much lower? Not only do you get to spread your wings, but you also save money on college costs and get a taste of other cultures. Moreover, studying abroad makes you a better person as the experience helps you to become more responsible, independent, patient, and disciplined. Check out The University of Vienna in Austria, where tuition fees cost around $800 per semester; Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris wherein registration fees cost roughly between $200 to $675 a year; and the University of Oslo in Norway, where a semester fee is as low as $75.



By Jackie Edwards


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