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Top 10 favorite companies for young graduates

Living in modern society definitely has its ups and downs. One of the things that I would consider a good side of living in 21st Century is that you get to witness ongoing technological revolutions. With that, we are also witnessing a great number of companies coming up with solutions and products that we have never seen before, with processes and workplace cultures that are also innovative.

In more traditional workplaces, there were standard working hours and conditions, while many modern companies have flexible hours, sleeping pods at work, online training, dance classes, access to a gym, and many other things that aim to improve the workplace environment and help employees both perform and feel better inside and outside of work. Choosing the company that you would like to work for can be hard, because there are so many that are appealing. So, across the breadth of modern companies and innovations, what kind of companies do young people most like to work for?



Universum, an international employer branding organization, tried to answer this question and see which companies young graduates most want to work for. They surveyed 265,000 Millennials from the 12 largest economies in the world and found some very interesting insights about what Millennials want out of their careers. Young graduates are searching for employers that allow them to create work-life balance and this was the number one career ambition for students in almost every surveyed field and country. The only exceptions were India, where an international career was more important, and Russia, where having a secure job was the number one career ambition.

In order to give you an idea of which modern companies are in demand by young graduates, I aimed to present a list of the most popular companies regardless of field. It was difficult because every field is so different and companies can be so different in each field. That is why I decided to focus on companies that have a range of opportunities for employment of students coming from many fields.  Based on that, I have comprised a list that includes both the ones that were the most popular among business students surveyed in the Universum research and the ones that get a lot of media attention as being geared towards Millenials. 



We have all seen the pictures and movies portraying working life at Google. It almost reminds us of a playground for adults, with sleeping pods, volleyball nets, creative spaces, and much more. Google offers many perks, including family benefits like generous parental leave, and access to wellness and fitness centers. It also offers opportunities for personal development, like a volunteering program and training and degree programs. You can learn everything from coding to cooking. Take a look at what a Google intern’s first week looks like. Even as an intern, you are immediately given a lot of responsibility and opportunity to grow.

This is all in addition to the fact that Google is synonymous with innovation and progress, and it is a company that has worldwide reach. Google has changed the way many parts of our life look like, from navigating streets with Google Maps to learning in school. They are also creating cutting edge technology like Google Glass that, until recently, existed only in science fiction movies. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of creating something completely new? Taken as a whole, it is no wonder that many graduates all over the world want a chance to be a part of the Google team.




Another technology giant has made its way onto this list. Apple is known for its slick design, innovation, and incredible line of products. Apple prides itself on bringing change and revolutionizing entire industries, and many recent graduates want to be a part of this creative atmosphere and leave their own impact. In addition to working in a creative environment, employees also enjoy the perks that modern technology companies are known for. Apple offers gourmet food, sports, and comforts that allow employees to work long hours. You can watch this interview with a former employee talking about his experience of working at Apple. Apple is also secretive about their projects and company practices, so there is not a lot of information, other than what we know from former employees. They also tell us that you should be prepared to give 100% of what you can and work hard.



EY (Ernst & Young)

EY is one of the “Big Four” accounting companies, and it is a very popular choice for young graduates. It might have something to do with the fact that EY has been named one of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” for the last 18 years. Why? Working in Ernst and Young gives you the opportunity to collaborate with diverse teams, solve stimulating business challenges, and develop your career. The company provides coaching, mentoring, learning opportunities, memberships in professional organizations, and access to networks of EY employees and clients.




The ability to interact with 1.2 billion people, share stories, and make the world more connected is just part of what attracts job seekers to Facebook. You can hear employee experiences and what it is like to work at Facebook here. Facebook was not listed as one of the top 10 companies for students on the Universum survey list. However, I have included it here as a company that has revolutionized the way Millennials communicate and socialize.

Facebook has a very elaborate benefits package that focuses on 7 key areas that help employees get the aid and support needed to thrive at every stage of their life, both inside and outside of Facebook. These benefits include health and family programs, career and skill building resources and training, investment and savings programs, and much more. You can read more about Facebook perks and benefits here. Facebook also offers well developed programs and internships for graduates and students who wish to work with and learn from them. You can read more about opportunities for graduates and students at Facebook here.



PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)

According to PwC, half of the 50,000 people they hire each year are students at the beginning of their careers. They offer support, mentoring, and training to them. The company has focused a lot of their programs on what Millennials want from their workplace and it is paying off as they are a popular choice. PwC has offices in 150 countries worldwide, so there is no shortage of opportunities for new international experiences. Another reason that PwC stands out to graduates is that they work on developing gender equality and diversity in their workforce. This includes partnering with the United Nations to support the HeforShe initiative.




Aron Brown is an audit professional working at Deloitte. He joined their audit department because he wanted to find out more about how the entire business is run from top-down. He feels that the job he is doing at Deloitte engages his curiosity and fulfills his love for diversity. Deloitte has allowed him to pursue his passions outside of work. He was able to take a 3-month sabbatical and live in France, expanding his knowledge and experience by taking a French language class geared towards business professionals. With his colleague, he started a Leadership Academy for their San Francisco office that allows first- and second-year professionals to connect with senior employees and learn from them. You can read more about his story here. I think his personal story perfectly illustrates why so many graduates want to work for Deloitte, because it offers opportunities to realize yourself both professionally and personally.



Microsoft is an organization that has changed the way we live and it is continually striving to innovate. Clara, a Business Development Manager with the World Wide Education team at Microsoft, says that she loves working for the company because she enjoys being a part of a team that is passionate about creating change in their own professions as well as in society as a whole. She has enjoyed the opportunity to have a lot of responsibility because that has helped her grow professionally. She is excited to have the chance to work on projects like TEACH, through which Microsoft is partnering with the U.S. Department of Education to change perceptions of teachers and to make that profession more attractive to youth. She also enjoys having perks like discounts for many great restaurants. Many of these discounts are for two people, so it is the perfect excuse for her to catch up with somebody or meet somebody new. You can hear about her story and experiences here.

Microsoft has many programs geared towards young people, like internships and high school programs through which you immediately get to work on projects. They also have MACH coaching, a career and skill building program for new university hires.



KPMG is another company that is successfully attracting the best graduates. One opportunity at KPMG that probably draws the interest of many young graduates is their rotational programs. They send their employees to places like Singapore and London for 18 to 24 months of international experience. This is important factor for millennials you also get to see how the company functions on a global level. Being able to live in a different country and explore its culture is just another perk. You can read more about what it is like to work at KPMG here. 


L'Oréal Group

One of the biggest beauty brands in the world is attractive to graduates for many reasons. L’Oreal has over 36 internationally diverse brands, including Garnier, Maybelline, Urban Decay, and Kiehl's. What probably attracts a lot of people to this company is that employees have the option to develop their career and experience a lot of diversity.

You get to work in different departments. Maybe you start in marketing and end up in HR. You also get to work on diverse brands or work on long- or short-term assignments in one of the 140 countries where they have their offices. Opportunities to grow are plentiful as well, as they offer coaching and online learning programs. Here are 10 reasons why L’Oréal thinks you should join them.




Airbnb is an online marketplace and hospitality service that enables people to rent unique short-term lodging in houses, apartments, hostel rooms, and other types of accommodations all over the world. It is a company that young graduates have even started social media campaigns for in hopes of getting a chance to work with them. Nina Mufleh created a website, made an analysis of the tourism industry, and started a social media campaign on Twitter with the goal of getting a chance to interview, which she accomplished. You can look at her website and see what she did here.

Although it is not on the Universum list, Airbnb offers many of the same things that other companies on the list offer. Airbnb has well developed paternity/maternity programs, health plans, a healthy food and snacks program, volunteering opportunities, and the opportunity for travel credits every year. Airbnb has offices in many locations all over the world and they offer great graduate and internship positions for students. You can read more about what it is like to work for Airbnb here.


There are many companies, and internship and graduate programs out there for you to explore. This list is just a sample of companies that can offer professional challenges, global exposure, and great benefits. To explore student and recent graduate opportunities at these companies and others like them, make sure you sign up at where you can browse through hundreds of opportunities that are available right now.

Resources: Google - How we care for Googlers. Deloitte - Life at Deloitte

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