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Meet the HeySuccess Internship challenge Season V hosts!

We are proud to announce that the FIFTH season of our HeySuccess Internship challenge is starting and we can’t wait to welcome the fifth batch of new interns that will spend the next weeks learning useful skills, meeting people from all over the world and get to explore their interests! I hope i mentioned fifth enough! We are very excited!

You are probably wondering now: “Ok , that sounds great, but what is the Internship Challenge?” The HeySuccess Internship Challenge is one of the most unique and exceptional experiences you can have as a young person. The Challenge offers you the opportunity to work on practical tasks with other extraordinary young people from every corner of the globe. You do all of that from the comfort of your home, parallel with your studies.

During the previous four seasons of the HeySuccess Internship Challenge, we brought more than 300 young people from 80 countries to work and learn together online. For many of them, it was a unique and life-changing experience that developed them into talent that recruitment managers from Apple, McKinsey & Company, Unilever, and dozens of other companies and organizations could not resist.

We have many surprises in store for our interns and we will be informing you all about it so keep on following us! But, let me first introduce the team who will be there to support our interns throughout the entire challenge!

In the footsteps of Yon (South Korea) who hosted Seasons I and II, Maria (Italy) who hosted Season III, and Lucia (Spain), Stefanos (Greece), and Matilda (South Korea) who hosted Season IV, it is my pleasure to be one of the hosts of Season V. I will be working with two lovely and talented young people to bring an interesting fifth season of this internship challenge.  So, let me introduce the team:


My name is Andrea. I work in HeySucces HR and I recently graduated from a master’s program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Linnaeus University in Sweden. I am very passionate about human resources, and I am particularly interested in the processes by which young people discover their talents and passions. When I do not work, I like traveling the world—I have just returned from 4 weeks in Vietnam, and I loved it so much. I am really looking forward to working with all of the new interns!



Abyan is a charming architecture student from Indonesia with his fair share of international experiences. He has also had experience in  project management and organizing activities promoting international experiences and is very excited to support all the interns on their internship challenge adventure.



Matea is an adventurer from Croatia that is currently on an epic adventure studying her bachelor degree in three countries Denmark, Belgium and France. She loves meeting new people and learning about different cultures and is very excited to meet all of our new interns.



Like I said before we have an exciting season in front of us with a lot of surprises and new things in store for our interns! We will keep you informed and wish us luck! To all of our new interns, you are very welcome to our HeySuccess Internship Challenge and we can't wait to start working with you!

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