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You know MommyKiss?

Of course not. You are not from London. Actually, even if you were from London, you would probably not have heard about them, since they are a pretty tiny startup, famous only between  Saffron Hill and St Cross Street in Farringdon. Which is not much space. Maybe 100 m. or so.

Anyway… There is one thing they are pretty good at - hiring Master’s degree graduates with 2+ degrees to perform unpaid internships for them.

Sounds cool?

Ok, I could introduce you to them. For free. Provided you have at least two Master’s degrees (or other higher education diplomas), you are European, over 25, and you’ve believed that in all your studies you would only need to collect good marks, study textbooks massively, and hit on your female colleagues here and there.

Fancy that? Then, join MommyKiss, and expect tons of fun. I could even help you get hired .. ;-)

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Search from 4284 opportunities in 124 countries

Internships, scholarships, student conferences and competitions.
