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Hello from our Season IV interns!

We recently completed the fourth season of the HeySuccess Internship Challenge.  We wanted to gain some insights from some of our interns.  We interview the season 4 winner Alexander from Greece, Rienta from Indonesia, Nawal from  Algeria, and Shavonne  who is from Canada.  Each intern had his or her own unique experiences and memories they wanted to share with us.  The following are their responses:


Alexander HeySuccess

Alexander (Greece): a winner of the Season IV


How did it feel to win the internship challenge?

To be honest, I had really high expectations from myself and due to my extreme dedication and after observing the result on my performance, getting first place was no surprise. Actually, it was a confirmation to myself of what I am capable of doing and how hard should I work in order to reach and maintain being on the top.

What has been your biggest take away from the Internship Challenge?

With mixed feelings, there were many things that I acquired, from the very beginning to the very end of the internship. But if I had to choose just one, it can only be the family and the relationships that were built inside it. Having the chance to meet such amazing individuals from around the world and even organizing a conference with one of them in an unfamiliar place was something that will remain in my memory for a long time.

What advice do you have for next season’s interns?

The only advice I can give to the next season's interns is that they should never settle and always try their best without caring about points or prizes. Each person is going to learn different things depending on their history and preferences so keep calm and embrace the opportunity. (sign up here for the next Season of the HeySuccess Internship Challenge)


Rienta HeySuccess

Rienta (Indonesia)


How did you feel to be selected for the Internship challenge?

I can never imagine to be selected as one of 30 interns who completed the challenge out of 749 applications. This internship brings me to completely a new world of learning with lots of irreplaceable experiences. I knew this internship will be a worth doing from the very first start thus I invested a lot of time and efforts for this internship. As result, I feel more confident now as graduate of tomorrow after gaining many practical skills and extensive knowledge of Digital marketing, event management and also public relations!


What is your favorite memory of your team and the work you did together?

One of my favorite teamwork memories is when my wonderful girls (Tamara from Serbia and Moona from Tunisia) and I worked together in Twitter Master and U.S Invasions marketing tasks from the week 3 to 6. We shared a lot of ideas, thoughts and positive vibes to formulate lots of creative strategies for our works. Beyond that, we also tirelessly support each other not only as teammates but also as sisters. By fact, we are making great progress in engaging many twitter users and also several journalists from prominent Medias such The Huffington. A lot of bonus points surprisingly achieved, I am proud to be a part of Team Self-Development!


How has the Internship Challenge impacted your life since it finished?

From the experiences I earned during my internship challenge, it personally impacted to my performance improvement as social media contributor in one international transparency organization in Indonesia. Many practical tasks provided me new insights of digital marketing strategy. Now I know how to utilize social media as smart media of promotion and publications in the virtual world. But. There is actually real happiness for me after this internship challenge, by knowing many of student opportunities that I shared benefit them to earn more experiences and be the Graduates of Tomorrow. A LOT of my friends now are more motivated and inspired to go beyond and beat the fear of youth unemployment. I can’t believe that I make a real difference in my young age, Thanks to HeySuccess!


Did any other internships/jobs come from your experience?

As soon my internship session finished, As last year student, I concentrate fully on my thesis finalization as I should make my own target by graduating this year then pursue my master hopefully abroad. I believe in the near future, there are more opportunities like Internships/jobs I can make for what I have learned and achieved during the internship challenge. The recommendation letter prepared for the 2nd winner of this internship challenge I believe will also have its magical side of creating more life-changing experiences for me.



Shavonne (Canada)


How did it feel to interact with other interns from around the world?  Do you have any fun stories of learning about new cultures and customs from your other interns or sharing different aspects of your culture with them?

The best part of the internship was working with other people from all over the world. The sense of community that was established throughout this internship inspired people to start a language learning group and to make 'culture quizzes.' Skyping my teammates was pretty fun.


If you could do the Internship Challenge over again would you change anything?

If I could do it over again, I think I'd try to spend more time meeting people. I had to prioritize my schoolwork however, so I was busy most of the time. Meeting people from other cultures is crucial to gaining a better understanding and perspective of the world.


How did the Internship Challenge make a change in your life, both personally and professionally?

Even though I was one of the youngest people in the internship, I think that I was able to connect to the other interns pretty well. Everyone was very friendly, and I grew to be more knowledgeably about other cultures. This is my first internship, and even though it hasn't really made much of a change in my life, I believe it was a good experience.



Nawal (Algeria)

In what ways did you learn from your experience with the Internship Challenge? Were there skills you were able to gain or strengthen?

During the internship challenge I gained many skills that I didn’t have before. I learned about writing a killer CV, which is interesting facts in this task is that we had a mission to improve the CV of a real person, which motivated us to do well. So we were able to apply what we’ve learned.

I also learned about marketing, social media, and above all I learned a lot in event organization because I was able to organize a conference in my country, it was an amazing adventure, I learned a lot about how to handle several things at once, such as time management, sponsoring file writing, press kit and lots of other stuff. The internship challenge was really very beneficial for me.


How did you grow from your connection with the other interns? Do you have any favorite memories from your time growing with your global internship family?

I loved the fact that the internship is open to all young people from all over the world, I've known lots of people and I've worked with  some of them, I really enjoyed this part of the internship because it allows an exchange between us, what makes us learn more about the subject, the best memories for me was the CV challenge that I realized with Rienta, together we worked on correcting a resume, then there is twitter challenge, in which we were a team of 4 people, with Lisa, Hussein, Anita, it really was a great experience, we organized meetings on Skype, we’ve exchanged ideas and tips, I learned a lot from them.


And of course, enjoy the Season IV's adventure here!

How about you? Will you accept the Challenge? If yes, sign up here

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