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An inspirational story coming from Finland

When I was a little girl, I used to collect beautiful illustrations from magazines and books, admiring beautiful techniques and creativity of illustrators.


At some point I even dreamt of becoming a designer. My career and education choices however have been quite different. Yet, in 2010 I decided to start a blog for my fashion illustrations, as a hobby – to balance the busy study and working life.

(You can find it here:

It is surprising, how easily one can get noticed on the internet. One thing led to another and at some point I was having an exhibition in Helsinki. Little did I know, that one day I will receive an email from 3 persons: editor-in-chief of a magazine, former Miss Finland as well as famous model turned designer asking me whether I would possibly interested in creating illustrations for a book they are working on about fashion, beauty and style. The book is being published by one of the biggest publishing houses in Finland. It is a dream come true, for that girl that used to collect beautiful illustrations from magazines and books!

Never underestimate the power of “Do what you love and love what you do”

Best regards,

Olesja Hännikäinen

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